Joint statement regarding dumping and land filling by concern groups and environmental NGOs 關注團體及環保組織就傾倒泥頭和填土問題的聯署信

Dumping and land filling on land reserved for conservation and agricultural uses continues to impact Hong Kong’s habitats, ecology and biodiversity. Concern groups and environmental NGOs are deeply concerned over the lack of preventive and enforcement action by government against unauthorized and unintended land uses.

Today, Designing Hong Kong together with other concern groups urge government to remove the obstacles in legislation, establish a public and transparent land database and set up a Conservation Enforcement Task Force.

Joint statement by concern groups and environmental NGOs regarding dumping and land filling:

English: Joint statement regarding dumping and land filling by concern groups and environmental NGOs 
Chinese: 關注團體及環保組織就傾倒泥頭和填土問題的聯署信



英文版: Joint statement regarding dumping and land filling by concern groups and environmental NGOs
中文版: 關注團體及環保組織就傾倒泥頭和填土問題的聯署信