「先發展無保育」 大嶼山勢變醜小鴨 環團促先有保育方案及交通限制 (新聞稿)Develop first, No conservation Lantau will be an Ugly Duckling Green groups urge for implementation of conservation plan and traffic restriction first (Press Release)


「先發展無保育」 大嶼山勢變醜小鴨







1. 在任何擬議發展前,制定全面的運輸和交通策略,透過交通管制減低違例發展的經濟誘因,避免擬議的發展超出環境承載量;

2. 修改《城市規劃條例》,讓發展審批地區圖能夠覆蓋南大嶼和黃龍坑,賦予規劃署能執法能力,並繼續加快將北大嶼餘下沒有法定管制的地區,如䃟頭、沙螺灣和深屈等納入發展審批地區圖,以提供法定保護;

3. 所有在大嶼山的發展計劃均應納入現時進行中的「香港2030+:跨越2030年的規劃遠景與策略」,並為所有擬議和計劃中的發展項目進行全面的策略性環境評估;

4. 在生態敏感地區設立不可發展地區,並實施有效的保育管理計劃。

1. 任何新的道路建設需要有充分理據,並須就其環境影響、成本效益和公眾利益的作出評估,以及進行公眾諮詢;

2. 環團反對現時建議的東大嶼都會和連接港島西、南大嶼、北大嶼和新界西北的策略性道路系統。因為東大嶼都會需要進行大規模填海工程,對海洋生態和水質造成極大影響,而策略性道路系統則會入侵郊野公園和許多生態敏感地區,為南大嶼,尤其是梅窩,帶來龐大的發展壓力,並會增加在附近水域航運的船隻流量,危害漁業資源和鯨科動物;

3. 東大嶼都會和策略性道路系統的建設沒有得到充分的理據支持,需要動用龐大資金,很可能成為新一個大白象工程。

(英文網址: https://www.designinghongkong.com/forms/view.php?id=64298)

英文網址:Lantau green groups joint letter – appendix
中文網址:Lantau joint letter – appendix_final_ chinese


(Press Release)

Develop first, No conservation
Lantau will be an Ugly Duckling
Green groups urge for implementation of conservation plan and traffic restriction first

Green groups strongly object to any large-scale development such as East Lantau Metropolis and the strategic road systems and request the government to make conservation the top priority for Lantau development, to safeguard the rich biodiversity and the close relationship between humans and nature on Lantau. The groups have presented a list of conservation measures (including traffic restriction) it urges the government to implement.

The First-term Work Report made by Lantau Development Advisory Committee (LanDAC) has been submitted to the Administration on January 2016.

This report proposed massive, “creative” and unassessed developments such as East Lantau Metropolis, super large-scale strategic road systems and numerous tourism facilities including viewing and stargazing facilities for the Sunset Peak. The proposed developments will have disastrous impacts on the ecosystem and the local community, and destroy the tranquil environment and magnificent landscape of Lantau.

Because of its unique location, Lantau has rich and diversified natural habitats such as low-lying wetlands, montane grasslands, freshwater streams and soft coral marine habitats. These habitats breed many rare and endangered species such as Chinese White Dolphin, Horseshoe Crab, Oval Halophila, Romer’s Tree Frog, Common Cerulean, Ayu Sweetfish and Brown Fish Owl. The most valuable thing is that human can live with nature closely. Bovine on Lantau was accepted as “heritage and landscape as human values” by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization for harmonic human-bovid relationship. This can show Lantau is definitely a nature treasure for us.

However, this First-term Work Report claims to support sustainable development but no positive conservation measure is proposed. LanDAC even proposes to relax the traffic restriction on closed roads, and establish a strategic road network connecting west of Hong Kong Island, South Lantau, North Lantau and North West of New Territories.

These measures would increase the development pressure by giving false hope to land owners, hindering any conservation plans and actions on Lantau, especially in ecologically sensitive rural areas where there is no Development Permission Area (DPA) plan and no statutory protection could be done by government, such as South Lantau and part of North Lantau. As a result, eco-vandalism has long been proliferating with impunity on private land without DPA plans, even in ecologically important wetlands like Pui O.

Our natural environment does not belong to us alone, but the next generations. Reckless development without appropriate controls and active conservation measures will quickly destroy the natural treasure of Lantau and lead to a failure of promised “sustainable development.”

Hence, green groups urge the Administration to implement a list of conservation measures:

1. Before any proposed development, develop a comprehensive transport and traffic strategy and restrict traffic to reduce the economic incentive for unauthorized developments and prevent proposed development from exceeding environmental carrying capacity;

2. Amend the Town Planning Ordinance to allow itself to cover South Lantau and Wong Lung Hang WITH DEVELOPMENT PERMISSION AREA PLANS, offering enforcement powers for the Planning Department and continue to speed up the process of DPA plan covering on the remaining lands of Lantau such as San Tau, Sha Lo Wan and Sham Wat, which have no statutory control, to provide statutory protection

3. Include any development plans on Lantau in the on-going “Hong Kong 2030+ Towards a Planning Vision and Strategy Transcending 2030” study and carry out a comprehensive Strategic Environmental Assessment for endorsement of all the proposed and planned developments on Lantau.

4. Set up NO-GO areas for ecologically sensitive areas and implement active conservation management plan

Regarding to East Lantau Metropolis and associated traffic and transport strategy, green groups highlight:

1. New roads should be well justified, assessed (in the context of environmental impacts, cost effectiveness and public interest), and the public should be consulted before.

2. Green groups object to the proposed East Lantau Metropolis which will create significant impact on marine ecosystem and water quality and strategic road system connecting west of Hong Kong Island, South Lantau, North Lantau and northern-west of New Territories, which will cut through the country parks and ecologically sensitive areas, and create significant development pressure in South Lantau especially Mui Wo and drastically increase vessel traffic in the surrounding waters and threaten fisheries resources and cetaceans

3. The construction of East Lantau Metropolis and the associated strategic road system is not well-justified and will cost a huge amount of money, having a very high potential to become new white elephant project.

Green groups have also launched an online petition platform to motivate the public to express their opinion on Lantau development to the Administration:
(Website: https://www.designinghongkong.com/forms/view.php?id=64298)

Key species/habitats of conservation concern in different areas of Lantau
Website:Lantau green groups joint letter – appendix

Co-signatories (in alphabetical order):
Designing Hong Kong
Green Power
Hong Kong Bird Watching Society
Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society
Lantau Buffalo Association
Living Islands Movememt
The Conservancy Association
WWF Hong Kong