Event: Rediscovering and Mapping the Coastal Trail for HK Island

Event: Rediscovering and Mapping the Coastal Trail for HK Island

Together with Trailwatch, i-Discover and Dutch Chamber, you are invited to take part in the mapping event from 21st December – 18th January. Join any time, at your own convenience.

The mapping event will run from 21st December – 18th January. You can take part at any time, at your own convenience.

  • The 65km trail is divided into 8 sections, from easy to moderate in difficulty. There’s something for everyone, from steep remote mountain climbs to flat urban harbourside walks. If you’re feeling like you want a challenge, you can run or walk the entire trail in one go, or if you want some leisurely walks, you can split up your journey into sections over several days.
  • When you sign up, you will receive an e-mail with detailed instructions for each section. You simply print the set for your preferred section, pack some water and snacks and be on your way! The TrailWatch app will help you navigate on the way.
  • Along the trail are over 70 Points of Interest. Places with a story to tell. We ask you to stop, take a breather, have a wander. Share with us your pictures, observations and conversations (English or Chinese) through the TrailWatch App, What’sApp or e-mail. We’ll collect the most compelling narratives and photographs and put them on an illustrated map.
  • End of January we’ll publish Hong Kong’s first community-created Hong Kong Island Coastal Trail Walking Map
  • Each participating team will get a pack with 12 Hong Kong neighbourhood walks as a souvenir and prizes for teams with most original entries!!

Hong Kong Island Coastal Trail Challenge: https://dutchchamhk.glueup.com/event/mapping-the-hong-kong-island-coastal-trail-30453/
Register our event: https://dutchchamhk.glueup.com/event/30453/register/
8 recommended section: https://www.coastaltrail.hk/hkict-route.html
Download TrailWatch: https://apps.apple.com/hk/app/trailwatch-your-hiking-guide/id791098937?l=en
Submission to [email protected]

8 sectionsinstructiongiftprizes



步行 . 港島環島徑長65公里,共分為8段;有合家歡的海傍步行徑,亦有較進階的攀岩及行山徑,適合不同年齡層與體力的人士參與。喜愛挑戰的人士可以嘗試以步行或緩步跑方式一氣完成全程,你亦可以在不同日子,不同時段漫步所選的分段路徑。
紀錄 . 透過Google Play或the App Store下載Trailwatch手機應用程式,並選擇港島環島徑路段以即時展開導航功能,紀錄活動情況及上傳沿路拍攝的照片。
探索 . 跟隨路徑上的指引,尋找景點背後的故事,發掘城市更多有趣的面貌。
分享 . 這些景點背後有什麼故事?有什麼值得到訪的理由?對你而言又有什麼意義?透過以下社交平台,與我們分享你沿途的所想,所見,所聞 – 可以是你的個人回憶,難忘的經歷,很棒的照片,甚至是路途上展開的有趣對話(中英皆可)

網上登記: https://dutchchamhk.glueup.com/event/mapping-the-hong-kong-island-coastal-trail-30453/
