Making TST more walkable? Here is how! 如何提高尖沙咀的可行度?

Government has proposed to build a shopping mall and car parks underneath Kowloon Park to pay for tunnels which divert pedestrians away from overcrowded pavements along Haiphong Road.

We propose a simpler solution: Re-open pedestrian crossings at Peking Road, Middle Road, and Salisbury Road so that is easier for people to get from Canton Road to the MTR Station.

We have studied the three junctions in detail. The drawings below show how pedestrians can cross Kowloon Park Drive with little impact on traffic flow.

Do you support these new pedestrian crossings? Go to Facebook and give us a like.

Want to find out more, click here for the video link.

Some 3,000 people signed letters to save Kowloon Park. Click here to see our newsletter.


我們建議簡單的替代方法: 只要重新開放北京道和中間道的行人過路處,以及開放梳士巴利道的交通許可,行人便更容易從廣東道走到於彌敦道的港鐵站。

我們已經詳細研究了三個方案,分別在北京道、中間道和梳士巴利道行人如何在對交通流量影響不大的情況下, 穿過九龍公園徑,走到於彌敦道的港鐵站。




Peking Road

Proposed zebra crossing at the junction of Kowloon Park Drive and Peking Road 建議在北京道增設的斑馬線

Middle Road

Proposed zebra crossing at the junction of Kowloon Park Drive and Middle Road 建議在中間道增設的斑馬線

Salisbury Road

Proposed zebra crossing and new tunnel connections at the junction of Kowloon Park Drive and Salisbury Road 建議在梳士巴利道增設的斑馬線及新的隧道出入口